JUMP TOClassic API IntroductionGetting StartedClassic APIaccountsFinds all accountsgetFinds groups by IDgetUpdates an existing group by IDputCreates a new group by IDpostDeletes a group by IDdeleteFinds groups by namegetUpdates an existing group by nameputDeletes a group by namedeleteFinds accounts by IDgetUpdates an existing account by IDputCreates a new account by IDpostDeletes an account by IDdeleteFinds accounts by namegetUpdates an existing account by nameputDeletes an account by namedeleteactivationcodeFinds the Jamf Pro activation codegetUpdates the Jamf Pro activation codeputadvancedcomputersearchesFinds all advanced computer searchesgetFinds computer searches by IDgetUpdates an existing advanced computer search by IDputCreates a new advanced computer searchpostDeletes a computer search by IDdeleteFinds advanced computer searches by namegetUpdates an existing advanced computer search by nameputDeletes a computer search by namedeleteadvancedmobiledevicesearchesFinds all advanced mobile device searchesgetFinds mobile device searches by IDgetUpdates an existing advanced mobile device search by IDputCreates a new advanced mobile device searchpostDeletes a mobile device search by IDdeleteFinds advanced mobile device searches by namegetUpdates an existing advanced mobile device search by nameputDeletes a mobile device search by namedeleteadvancedusersearchesFinds all advanced user searchesgetFinds user searches by IDgetUpdates an existing advanced user search by IDputCreates a new advanced user search by IDpostDeletes a user search by IDdeleteFinds user searches by namegetUpdates an existing advanced user search by nameputDeletes a user search by NamedeleteallowedfileextensionsFinds the allowed file extensionsgetFinds an allowed file extension value by IDgetCreates a new allowed file extension value by IDpostDeletes an allowed file extension value by IDdeleteFinds an allowed file extension value by namegetbuildingsFinds all buildingsgetFinds buildings by IDgetUpdates an existing building by IDputCreates a new buildingpostDeletes a building by IDdeleteFinds buildings by namegetUpdates an existing building by nameputDeletes a building by namedeletebyoprofilesFinds all personal device profilesgetFinds personal device profile by IDgetUpdates a personal device profile by IDputCreates a personal device profile by IDpostDeletes a personal device profile by IDdeleteFinds a personal device profile by namegetUpdates a personal device profile by nameputDeletes a personal device profile by namedeletecategoriesFinds all categoriesgetFinds categories by IDgetUpdates an existing category by IDputCreates a new category by IDpostDeletes a category by IDdeleteFinds categories by namegetUpdates an existing category by nameputDeletes a category by namedeleteclassesFinds all classesgetFinds classes by IDgetUpdates an existing class by IDputCreates a new class by IDpostDeletes a class by IDdeleteFinds classes by namegetUpdates an existing class by nameputDeletes a class by namedeletecommandflushFlushes commands based on information specified in an XML filedeleteFlushes commands for devicesdeletecomputerapplicationsFinds computer applications by namegetFinds computer applications by name with additional display fieldsgetFinds computer applications by name and versiongetFinds computer applications by name and versiongetcomputerapplicationusageFinds computer application usage by computer IDgetFinds computer application usage by computer namegetFinds computer application usage by computer UDIDgetFinds computer application usage by computer serial numbergetFinds computer application usage by computer MAC addressgetcomputercheckinFinds the Jamf Pro computer checkin informationgetUpdates the Jamf Pro computer checkin informationputcomputercommandsFinds all computer commandsgetFinds all computer commands by namegetFinds a computer command by UUIDgetCreates a new computer command using command namepostCreates a new computer command using command name and device IDspostCreates a new computer command with a command specific action. Commands supported: ScheduleOSUpdate (deprecated on 2022-10-17)postCreates a new computer command using command name and device IDspostcomputerextensionattributesFinds all computer extension attributesgetFinds computer extension attributes by IDgetUpdates an existing computer extension attribute by IDputCreates a new computer extension attribute by IDpostDeletes a computer extension attribute by IDdeleteFinds computer extension attributes by namegetUpdates an existing computer extension attribute by nameputDeletes a computer extension attribute by namedeletecomputergroupsFinds all computer groupsgetFinds computer groups by IDgetUpdates an existing computer group by IDputCreates a new computer group by IDpostDeletes a computer group by IDdeleteFinds computer groups by namegetUpdates an existing computer group by nameputDeletes a computer group by namedeletecomputerhardwaresoftwarereportsFinds hardware/software reports by computer IDgetFinds a subset of hardware/software reports by computer IDgetFinds hardware/software reports by computer namegetFinds a subset of hardware/software reports by computer namegetFinds hardware/software reports by computer UDIDgetFinds a subset of hardware/software reports by computer UDIDgetFinds hardware/software reports by computer serial numbergetFinds a subset of hardware/software reports by computer serial numbergetFinds hardware/software reports by computer MAC addressgetFinds a subset of hardware/software reports by computer MAC addressgetcomputerhistoryFinds computer history by IDgetFinds a subset of computer history data by IDgetFinds computer history by namegetFinds a subset of computer history data by namegetFinds computer history by UDIDgetFinds a subset of computer history data by UDIDgetFinds computer history by serial numbergetFinds a subset of computer history data by serial numbergetFinds computer history by MAC addressgetFinds a subset of computer history data by MAC addressgetcomputerinventorycollectionFinds the Jamf Pro computer inventory collection informationgetUpdates the Jamf Pro computer inventory collection informationputcomputerinvitationsFinds all computer invitationsgetFinds computer invitations by idgetCreates a new computer invitation by idpostDeletes a computer invitation by iddeleteFinds computer invitations by invitationgetCreates a new computer invitation by invitationpostDeletes a computer invitation by invitationdeletecomputermanagementFinds computer management information by IDgetFinds a subset of computer management information by IDgetFinds management information for a computer and usernamegetFinds a subset of management information for a computer and usernamegetDisplay patch management information for a computer and filtergetFinds computer management information by namegetFinds a subset of computer management information by namegetFinds management information for a computer and usernamegetFinds a subset of management information for a computer and usernamegetDisplay patch management information for a computer and filtergetFinds computer management information by UDIDgetFinds a subset of computer management information by UDIDgetFinds management information for a computer and usernamegetFinds a subset of management information for a computer and usernamegetDisplay patch management information for a computer and filtergetFinds computer management information by serial numbergetFinds a subset of computer management information by serial numbergetFinds management information for a computer and usernamegetFinds a subset of management information for a computer and usernamegetDisplay patch management information for a computer and filtergetFinds computer management information by MAC addressgetFinds a subset of computer management information by MAC addressgetFinds management information for a computer and usernamegetFinds a subset of management information for a computer and usernamegetDisplay patch management information for a computer and filtergetcomputerreportsFinds all computer reportsgetFinds computer reports by idgetFinds computer reports by namegetcomputersFinds all computersgetFinds basic information for all computersgetSearches for computers that match the provided parametergetSearches for computers that match the provided name parametergetFinds computers by IDgetUpdates an existing computer by IDputCreates a computerpostDeletes a computer by IDdeleteFinds a subset of information for a computergetFinds the first computer with the given namegetUpdates an existing computer by nameputDeletes a computer by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for the first computer with the given namegetFinds computers by UDIDgetUpdates an existing computer by UDIDputDeletes a computer by UDIDdeleteFinds a subset of data for computers by UDIDgetFinds computers by serial numbergetUpdates an existing computer by serial numberputDeletes a computer by serial numberdeleteFinds a subset of data for computers by serial numbergetFinds computers by MAC addressgetUpdates an existing computer by MAC addressputDeletes a computer by MAC addressdeleteFinds a subset of data for computers by MAC addressgetdepartmentsFinds all departmentsgetFinds departments by IDgetUpdates an existing department by IDputCreates a new department by IDpostDeletes a department by IDdeleteFinds departments by namegetUpdates an existing department by nameputDeletes a department by namedeletedirectorybindingsFinds all directory bindingsgetFinds directory bindings by IDgetUpdates an existing directory binding by IDputCreates a new directory binding by IDpostDeletes a directory binding by IDdeleteFinds directory bindings by namegetUpdates an existing directory binding by nameputDeletes a directory binding by namedeletediskencryptionconfigurationsFinds all disk encryption configurationsgetFinds disk encryption configurations by IDgetUpdates an existing disk encryption configuration by IDputCreates a new disk encryption configuration by IDpostDeletes a disk encryption configuration by IDdeleteFinds disk encryption configurations by namegetUpdates an existing disk encryption configuration by nameputDeletes a disk encryption configuration by namedeletedistributionpointsFinds all distribution pointsgetFinds distribution points by IDgetUpdates an existing distribution point by IDputCreates a new distribution point by IDpostDeletes a distribution point by IDdeleteFinds distribution points by namegetUpdates an existing distribution point by nameputDeletes a distribution point by namedeletedockitemsFinds all dock itemsgetFinds dock items by IDgetUpdates an existing dock item by IDputCreates a new dock item by IDpostDeletes a dock item by IDdeleteFinds dock items by namegetUpdates an existing dock item by nameputDeletes a dock item by namedeleteebooksFinds all ebooksgetFinds ebooks by IDgetUpdates an existing ebook by IDputCreates a new ebook by IDpostDeletes an ebook by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for an ebook by IDgetFinds ebooks by namegetUpdates an existing ebook by nameputDeletes an ebook by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for ebooks by namegetfileuploadsCreates file attachments in Jamf PropostgsxconnectionFinds the Jamf Pro GSX connection informationgetUpdates the Jamf Pro GSX connection informationputhealthcarelistenerFind all Healthcare ListenersgetFinds healthcare listener by IDgetUpdates an existing healthcare listener by IDputhealthcarelistenerruleFind all Healthcare Listener rulesgetFinds Healthcare Listener rules by IDgetUpdates an existing Healthcare Listener rule by IDputCreates a new Healthcare Listener rulepostibeaconsFinds all iBeacon regionsgetFinds iBeacon regions by IDgetUpdates an existing iBeacon region by IDputCreates a new iBeacon region by IDpostDeletes an iBeacon region by IDdeleteFinds iBeacon regions by namegetUpdates an existing iBeacon region by nameputDeletes an iBeacon region by namedeleteinfrastructuremanagerFind all Infrastructure ManagersgetFinds infrastructure manager by IDgetUpdates an existing infrastructure manager by IDputjssuserReturns basic information about Jamf Pro, as well as privileges of the person requesting the resource. (Deprecated)getjsonwebtokenconfigurationsFinds all JSON Web Token configurationsgetFind JSON Web Token configuration by IDgetUpdates an existing JSON Web Token configuration by IDputCreates a new JSON Web Token configuration by IDpostDeletes a JSON Web Token configuration by IDdeleteldapserversFinds all LDAP serversgetFinds LDAP servers by IDgetUpdates an existing LDAP server by IDputCreates a new LDAP server by IDpostDeletes an LDAP server by IDdeleteDisplay information for matching users for an LDAP servergetDisplay information for matching groups for an LDAP servergetDisplay information about user membership in a group for an LDAP servergetFinds LDAP servers by namegetUpdates an existing LDAP server by nameputDeletes an LDAP server by namedeleteDisplay information for matching users for an LDAP servergetDisplay information for matching groups for an LDAP servergetDisplay information about user membership in a group for an LDAP servergetlicensedsoftwareFinds all licensed softwaregetFinds licensed software by IDgetUpdates existing licensed software by IDputCreates new licensed software by IDpostDeletes licensed software by IDdeleteFinds licensed software by namegetUpdates an existing licensed software by nameputDeletes licensed software by namedeletelogflushFlushes a log specified in an XML filedeleteFlushes all logs for a given intervaldeleteFlushes a single log for a given intervaldeletemacapplicationsFinds all mac applicationsgetFinds mac applications by IDgetUpdates an existing mac application by IDputCreates a new mac application by IDpostDeletes a mac application by IDdeleteFinds a subset of date for a mac application by IDgetFinds mac applications by namegetUpdates an existing mac application by nameputDeletes a mac application by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for mac applications by namegetmobiledeviceapplicationsFinds all mobile device applicationsgetFinds mobile device applications by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device application by IDputCreates a new mobile device application by IDpostDeletes a mobile device application by IDdeleteFinds mobile device applications by bundle IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device application by bundle IDputDeletes a mobile device application by bundle IDdeleteFinds mobile device applications by bundle ID and versiongetUpdates an existing mobile device application by bundle ID and versionputDeletes a mobile device application by bundle ID and versiondeleteFinds a subset of data for a mobile device application by IDgetFinds mobile device applications by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device application by nameputDeletes a mobile device application by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile device applications by namegetmobiledevicecommandsFinds all mobile device commandsgetFinds a mobile device command by UUIDgetFinds all mobile device commands by command namegetFinds all mobile device commands for specified commandgetCreates a new mobile device commandpostCreates a new mobile device commandpostCreates a new command to set the name of a mobile device. (DeviceName Deprecated on 2024-06-27)postSends a new lock command to a list of mobile devicespostCreates a new command to request that a mobile device update its OS. Command and mobile device list specified in URL. Device will be updated to the latest OS version based on device eligibility. (deprecated on 2022-10-17)postCreates a new command to request that a mobile device update its OS. Command and mobile device list specified in URL. Mixing iOS and tvOS devices in ID list is not advised, as product version is specific to OS type. (deprecated on 2022-10-17)postmobiledeviceconfigurationprofilesFinds all mobile device configuration profilesgetFinds mobile device configuration profiles by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device configuration profile by IDputCreates a new mobile device configuration profile by IDpostDeletes a mobile device configuration profile by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for a mobile device configuration profile by IDgetFinds mobile device configuration profiles by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device configuration profile by nameputDeletes a mobile device configuration profile by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile device configuration profiles by namegetmobiledeviceenrollmentprofilesFinds all mobile device enrollment profilesgetFinds mobile device enrollment profiles by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device enrollment profile by IDputCreates a new mobile device enrollment profile by IDpostDeletes a mobile device enrollment profile by IDdeleteFinds mobile device enrollment profiles by invitationgetUpdates an existing mobile device enrollment profile by invitationputDeletes a mobile device enrollment profile by invitationdeleteFinds a subset of data for an enrollment profilegetFinds mobile device enrollment profiles by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device enrollment profile by nameputDeletes a mobile device enrollment profile by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile device enrollment profiles by namegetmobiledeviceextensionattributesFinds all mobile device extension attributesgetFinds mobile device extension attributes by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device extension attribute by IDputCreates a new mobile device extension attribute by IDpostDeletes a mobile device extension attribute by IDdeleteFinds mobiledeviceextensionattributes by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device extension attribute by nameputDeletes a mobile device extension attribute by namedeletemobiledevicegroupsFinds all mobile device groupsgetFinds mobile device groups by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device group by IDputCreates a new mobile device group by IDpostDeletes a mobile device group by IDdeleteFinds mobile device groups by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device group by nameputDeletes a mobile device group by namedeletemobiledevicehistoryFinds mobile device history by IDgetfinds a subset of data for a mobile device historygetFinds mobile device history by namegetFinds a subset of data for mobile device history by namegetFinds mobile device history by UDIDgetFinds a subset of data for mobile device history by UDIDgetFinds mobile device history by serial numbergetFinds a subset of data for mobile device history by serial numbergetFinds mobile device history by wifi mac addressgetFinds a subset of data for mobile device history by wifi mac addressgetmobiledeviceinvitationsFinds all mobile device invitationsgetFinds mobile device invitations by idgetCreates a new mobile device invitation by idpostDeletes a mobile device invitation by iddeleteFinds mobile device invitations by invitationgetCreates a new mobile device invitation by invitationpostDeletes a mobile device invitation by invitationdeletemobiledeviceprovisioningprofilesFinds all mobile device provisioning profilesgetFinds a mobile device provisioning profiles by idgetUpdates an existing mobile device provisioning profiles by idputCreates a mobile device provisioning profiles by idpostDeletes a mobile device provisioning profiles by iddeleteFinds a mobile device provisioning profiles by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device provisioning profiles by nameputCreates a mobile device provisioning profiles by namepostDeletes a mobile device provisioning profiles by namedeleteFinds a mobile device provisioning profiles by uuidgetUpdates an existing mobile device provisioning profiles by uuidputCreates a mobile device provisioning profiles by uuidpostDeletes a mobile device provisioning profiles by uuiddeletemobiledevicesFinds all mobile devicesgetSearches for mobile devices that match the provided parametergetFinds mobile devices by IDgetUpdates an existing mobile device by IDputCreates a new mobile device by IDpostDeletes a mobile device by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for a mobile devicegetFinds mobile devices by namegetUpdates an existing mobile device by nameputDeletes a mobile device by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile devices by namegetFinds mobile devices by UDIDgetUpdates an existing mobile device by UDIDputDeletes a mobile device by UDIDdeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile devices by UDIDgetFinds mobile devices by serial numbergetUpdates an existing mobile device by serial numberputDeletes a mobile device by serial numberdeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile devices by serial numbergetFinds mobile devices by Mac addressgetUpdates an existing mobile device by Mac addressputDeletes a mobile device by Mac addressdeleteFinds a subset of data for mobile devices by Mac addressgetnetworksegmentsFinds all network segmentsgetFinds network segments by IDgetUpdates an existing network segment by IDputCreates a new network segment by IDpostDeletes a network segment by IDdeleteFinds network segments by namegetUpdates an existing network segment by nameputDeletes a network segment by namedeleteosxconfigurationprofilesFinds all OS X configuration profilesgetFinds OS X configuration profiles by IDgetUpdates an existing OS X configuration profile by IDputCreates a new OS X configuration profile by IDpostDeletes a OS X configuration profile by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for an OS X configuration profilegetFinds OS X configuration profiles by namegetUpdates an existing OS X configuration profile by nameputDeletes a OS X configuration profile by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for OS X configuration profiles by namegetpackagesFinds all packagesgetFinds packages by IDgetUpdates an existing package by IDputCreates a new package by IDpostDeletes a package by IDdeleteFinds packages by namegetUpdates an existing package by nameputDeletes a package by namedeletepatchavailabletitlesFinds all available title from a source by IDgetpatchesFinds all patches (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".getFinds patches by ID (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".)getUpdates a Patch Software Title by ID (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".)putCreates a patch software title (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".)postDeletes a Patch Software Title by ID (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".)deleteDisplay computers on a specific version (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}/definitions".)getFinds the first patch with the name provided (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".)getUpdates a Patch Software Title by name (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".)putDeletes a Patch Software Title by name (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".)deleteDisplay computers on a specific version (Deprecated - Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".)getpatchexternalsourcesFinds all patch external sourcesgetFinds a patch external source by IDgetUpdates a patch external source by IDputCreate a new patch external source by IDpostDeletes a patch external source by IDdeleteFinds the first patch external source with the name providedgetUpdates a patch external source by nameputCreate a new patch external source by namepostpatchinternalsourcesFinds all patch internal sourcesgetFinds a patch internal source by IDgetFinds the first patch internal source with the name providedgetpatchpoliciesFinds all patch policies. (Deprecated). Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-policies".getFinds a patch policy by IDgetUpdates an existing patch policy by IDputDeletes a patch policy by IDdeleteDisplay subsets of information for a patch policygetFinds all patch policies by patch software title configuration ID (Deprecated). Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-policies".getCreate a new patch policy associated with a patch software title configuration IDpostpatchreportsFinds patch reports by patch software title ID. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}/patch-report".getDisplay computers for a specific version of a patch report. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}/patch-report".getpatchsoftwaretitlesFinds all patch software titles. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations".getFinds a patch software titles by ID. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".getUpdates a patch software title by ID. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".putCreates new patch software title by ID. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".postDeletes a patch software title by ID. (Deprecated) Please transition use to Jamf Pro API endpoint "/v2/patch-software-title-configurations/{id}".deleteperipheralsFinds all peripheralsgetFinds peripherals by IDgetUpdates an existing peripheral by IDputCreates a new peripheral by IDpostDeletes a peripheral by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for a peripheralgetperipheraltypesFinds all peripheral typesgetFinds peripheral types by IDgetUpdates an existing peripheral by IDputCreates a new peripheral by IDpostDeletes a peripheral by IDdeletepoliciesFinds all policiesgetFinds policies by IDgetUpdates an existing policy by IDputCreates a new policy by IDpostDeletes a policy by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for a policygetFinds policies by namegetUpdates an existing policy by nameputDeletes a policy by namedeleteFinds a subset of data for policies by namegetFinds all policies by categorygetFinds all policies by typegetprintersFinds all printersgetFinds printers by IDgetUpdates an existing printer by IDputCreates a new printer by IDpostDeletes a printer by IDdeleteFinds printers by namegetUpdates an existing printer by nameputDeletes a printer by namedeleteremovablemacaddressesFinds all removable Mac addressesgetFinds removable Mac addresses by IDgetUpdates an existing removable Mac address by IDputCreates a new removable Mac address by IDpostDeletes a removable Mac address by IDdeleteFinds removable Mac addresses by namegetUpdates an existing removable Mac address by nameputDeletes a removable Mac address by namedeleterestrictedsoftwareFinds all restricted softwaregetFinds restricted software by IDgetUpdates an existing restricted software by IDputCreates a new restricted software by IDpostDeletes a restricted software by IDdeleteFinds restricted software by namegetUpdates an existing restricted software by nameputDeletes a restricted software by namedeletesavedsearchesFinds all saved searches (Deprecated - use advancedcomputersearches, advancedmobiledevicesearches and advancedusersearches)getFinds saved searches by ID (Deprecated - use advancedcomputersearches, advancedmobiledevicesearches and advancedusersearches)getFinds saved searches by name (Deprecated - use advancedcomputersearches, advancedmobiledevicesearches and advancedusersearches)getscriptsFinds all scriptsgetFinds scripts by IDgetUpdates an existing script by IDputCreates a new script by IDpostDeletes a script by IDdeleteFinds scripts by namegetUpdates an existing script by nameputDeletes a script by namedeletesitesFinds all sitesgetFinds sites by IDgetUpdates an existing site by IDputCreates a new site by IDpostDeletes a site by IDdeleteFinds sites by namegetUpdates an existing site by nameputDeletes a site by namedeletesmtpserverFinds the Jamf Pro SMTP server informationgetUpdates the Jamf Pro SMTP server informationputsoftwareupdateserversFinds all software update serversgetFinds software update servers by IDgetUpdates an existing software update server by IDputCreates a new software update server by IDpostDeletes a software update server by IDdeleteFinds software update servers by namegetUpdates an existing software update server by nameputDeletes a software update server by namedeleteuserextensionattributesFinds all user extension attributesgetFinds user extension attributes by IDgetUpdates an existing user extension attribute by IDputCreates a new user extension attribute by IDpostDeletes a user extension attribute by IDdeleteFinds user extension attributes by namegetUpdates an existing user extension attribute by nameputDeletes a user extension attribute by namedeleteusergroupsFinds all user groupsgetFinds user groups by IDgetUpdates user groups by IDputCreates user groups by IDpostDeletes user groups by IDdeleteFinds user groups by namegetUpdates user groups by nameputDeletes user groups by namedeleteusersFinds all usersgetFinds users by IDgetUpdates an existing user by IDputCreates a new user by IDpostDeletes a user by IDdeleteFinds users by namegetUpdates an existing user by nameputDeletes a user by namedeleteFinds users by email addressgetUpdates an existing user by email addressputDeletes a user by email addressdeletevppaccountsFinds all VPP AccountsgetFinds VPP Account by IDgetUpdates a VPP account by IDputCreates a new VPP account by IDpostDeletes a VPP account by IDdeletevppassignmentsFinds all VPP AssignmentsgetFinds VPP Assignment by IDgetUpdates a VPP assignment by IDputCreates a new VPP assignment by IDpostDeletes a VPP assignment by IDdeletevppinvitationsFinds all VPP InvitationsgetFinds a VPP Invitation by IDgetUpdates a VPP invitation by IDputCreates a new VPP invitation by IDpostDeletes a VPP invitation by IDdeleteFinds a subset of data for a VPP invitationgetwebhooksFinds all webhooksgetFinds webhooks by IDgetUpdates an existing webhook by IDputCreates a new webhook by IDpostDeletes a webhook by IDdeleteFinds webhooks by namegetUpdates an existing webhook by nameputDeletes a webhook by namedeleteJamf Pro API IntroductionGetting StartedJamf Pro APIaccountsAdds new account.postGets the user account.getactivation-codeUpdates Activation Codeputadcs-settingsCreate AD CS Settings configuration for either inbound or outbound modepostValidate AD CS Settings server certificatepostValidate AD CS Settings client certificatepostGet AD CS Settings configuration for the ID valuegetDelete AD CS Settings configuration by IDdeleteUpdate AD CS Settings configurationpatchRetrieve list of AD CS Settings dependenciesgetGet specified AD CS Settings history objectgetAdd specified AD CS Settings object notepostadvanced-mobile-device-searchesGet Advanced Search objectsgetCreate Advanced Search objectpostGet Mobile Device Advanced Search criteria choicesgetRemove specified Advanced Search objectspostGet specified Advanced Search objectgetGet specified Advanced Search objectputRemove specified Advanced Search objectdeleteadvanced-user-content-searchesGet All Advanced User Content Search objectsgetCreate Advanced User Content Search objectpostGet Specified Advanced User Content Search objectgetGet Specified Advanced User Content Search objectputRemove specified Advanced User Content Search objectdeleteapi-authenticationGet all the Authorization details associated with the current apigetGet the authorization details associated with the current API tokenpostInvalidate current tokenpostInvalidate existing token and generates new tokenpostGet all the Authorization details associated with the current apigetInvalidate current tokenpostInvalidate existing token and generates new tokenpostCreate a token based on other authentication details (basic, etc.)postObtain an access token using an API Clientpostapi-integrationsGet the current API IntegrationsgetCreate API integration objectpostGet specified API integration objectgetUpdate specified API integration objectputRemove specified API integrationdeleteCreate client credentials for specified API integrationpostapi-role-privilegesGet the current Jamf API Role PrivilegesgetSearch the current Jamf API Role Privilegesgetapi-rolesGet the current Jamf API RolesgetCreate a new API rolepostGet the specific Jamf API RolegetUpdate API Integrations RoleputDelete API Integrations Roledeleteapp-request-previewSearch for Form Input FieldsgetReplace all Form Input FieldsputCreate Form Input Field recordpostGet specified Form Input Field objectgetUpdate specified Form Input Field objectputRemove specified Form Input Field recorddeleteGet Applicastion Request SettingsgetUpdate Application Request Settingsputapp-store-country-codes-previewReturn a list of Countries and the associated CodesgetbrandingDownload a self service branding imagegetbuildingsSearch for sorted and paged BuildingsgetCreate Building recordpostDelete multiple Buildings by their idspostExport Buildings collectionpostGet specified Building objectgetUpdate specified Building objectputRemove specified Building recorddeleteGet specified Building History objectgetAdd specified Building history object notespostExport history object collection in specified format for specified Buildingspostcache-settingsGet Cache SettingsgetUpdate Cache SettingsputcategoriesGet Category objectsgetCreate Category recordpostDelete multiple Categories by their IDspostGet specified Category objectgetUpdate specified Category objectputRemove specified Category recorddeleteGet specified Category history objectgetAdd specified Category history object notespostcertificate-authorityReturns X.509 details of the active Certificate Authority (CA)getReturns X.509 of active Certificate Authority (CA) in DER formatgetReturns active Certificate Authority (CA) in PEM formatgetReturns X.509 details of Certificate Authority (CA) with provided IDgetReturns X.509 current Certificate Authority (CA) with provided ID in DER formatgetReturns current Certificate Authority (CA) with provided ID in PEM formatgetclassic-ldapGet mappings for OnPrem Ldap configuration with given id.getclient-check-inGet Client Check-In settingsgetUpdate Client Check-In objectputGet Client Check-In history objectgetAdd a Note to Client Check-In Historypostcloud-azureCreate Azure Cloud Identity Provider configurationpostGet default mappingsgetGet default server configurationgetGet Azure Cloud Identity Provider configuration with given ID.getUpdate Azure Cloud Identity Provider configurationputDelete Cloud Identity Provider configuration.deletecloud-distribution-pointGet the Cloud Distribution Point Details.getCreate Cloud Distribution PointpostDelete Cloud Distribution Point.deleteUpdate specific fields on a Cloud Distribution PointpatchGet Cloud Distribution Point history detailsgetAdd specified Cloud Distribution Point history object notespostGet the Cloud Distribution Point Inventory files detailsgetGet the Cloud Distribution Point test connection details.getFinds specific information for the currently configured Cloud Distribution Point.getcloud-idpGet information about all Cloud Identity Providers configurations.getExport Cloud Identity Providers collectionpostGet Cloud Identity Provider configuration with given ID.getGet Cloud Identity Provider historygetAdd Cloud Identity Provider history notepostGet group test searchpostGet user test searchpostGet membership test searchpostcloud-informationRetrieve information related to cloud setup.getcloud-ldapValidate keystore for Cloud Identity Provider secure connectionpostCreate Cloud Identity Provider configurationpostGet default mappingsgetGet default server configurationgetGet Cloud Identity Provider configuration with given id.getUpdate Cloud Identity Provider configurationputDelete Cloud Identity Provider configuration.deleteGet bind connection pool statisticsgetGet search connection pool statisticsgetTests the communication with the specified cloud connectiongetGet mappings configurations for Cloud Identity Providers server configuration.getUpdate Cloud Identity Provider mappings configuration.putcomputer-extension-attributesRetrieve Computer Extension Attributes.getCreate Computer Extension Attribute.postDelete multiple Computer Extension Attribute at once.postRetrieve All Computer Extension Attributes Templates.getGet specified Computer Extension Attribute Template object.getUpload Computer Extension Attribute.postGet specified Computer Extension Attribute object.getUpdate specified Computer Extension Attribute object.putRemove specified Computer Extension Attribute.deleteGet smart group/advance search dependent objects for a specified computer extension attributegetGet specified Computer Extension Attribute History objectgetAdd specified Computer Extension Attribute history object notespostcomputer-groupsReturns the list of all computer groupsgetGet the membership of a Smart Computer GroupgetSearch for Smart Computer GroupsgetCreate a Smart Computer GrouppostUpdate a Smart Computer GroupputRemove specified Smart Computer Groupdeletecomputer-inventoryErase a computerpostRemove a computer's MDM profilepostReturn paginated Computer Inventory recordsgetReturn all sections of a computergetUpdate specific fields on a computerpatchReturn paginated FileVault information for all computersgetReturn General section of a ComputergetRemove specified Computer recorddeleteUpload attachment and assign to computerpostDownload attachment filegetRemove attachmentdeleteReturn FileVault information for a specific computergetReturn a computer's Device Lock PINgetReturn a Computers Recovery Lock Passwordgetcomputer-inventory-collection-settingsReturns computer inventory settingsgetUpdate computer inventory settingspatchCreate Computer Inventory Collection Settings Custom PathpostDelete Custom Path from Computer Inventory Collection Settingsdeletecomputer-prestagesGet all device Scope for all Computer PrestagesgetGet device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagegetReplace device Scope for a specific Computer PrestageputAdd device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagepostRemove device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagedeleteGet sorted and paged Computer PrestagesgetCreate a Computer PrestagepostGet all device Scope for all Computer PrestagesgetRetrieve a Computer Prestage with the supplied idgetUpdate a Computer PrestageputDelete a Computer Prestage with the supplied iddeleteGet device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagegetReplace device Scope for a specific Computer PrestageputAdd device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagepostRemove device Scope for a specific Computer PrestagepostGet sorted and paged Computer PrestagesgetCreate a Computer PrestagepostRetrieve a Computer Prestage with the supplied idgetUpdate a Computer PrestageputDelete a Computer Prestage with the supplied iddeletecomputers-previewReturn a list of Computersgetconditional-accessGet compliance information for a single computer devicegetGet compliance information for a single mobile devicegetRetrieves Status of the Feature TogglegetcsaReturns the CSA tenant ID.getGet details regarding the CSA token exchangegetDelete the CSA token exchange - This will disable Jamf Pro's ability to authenticate with cloud-hosted servicesdeletedashboardGet all the dashboard setup informationgetdeclarative-device-managementRetrieve the Status Items from the latest Status Report for a devicegetRetrieve a Status Item from the latest Status Report for a devicegetForce a device DDM syncpostdepartmentsSearch for DepartmentsgetCreate department recordpostDeletes all departments by ids passed in bodypostGet specified Department objectgetUpdate specified department objectputRemove specified department recorddeleteGet specified Department history objectgetAdd specified Department history object notespostdevice-communication-settingsRetrieves all settings for device communicationgetUpdate device communication settingsputGet Device Communication settings historygetAdd Device Communication Settings history notespostdevice-enrollmentsRead all sorted and paged Device Enrollment instancesgetRetrieve the Jamf Pro Device Enrollment public keygetGet all instance sync states for all Device Enrollment InstancesgetCreate a Device Enrollment Instance with the supplied TokenpostRetrieve a Device Enrollment Instance with the supplied idgetUpdate a Device Enrollment Instance with the supplied idputDelete a Device Enrollment Instance with the supplied iddeleteDisown devices from the given Device Enrollment InstancepostGet sorted and paged Device Enrollment history objectsgetAdd Device Enrollment history object notespostGet all instance sync states for a single Device Enrollment InstancegetGet the latest sync state for a single Device Enrollment InstancegetUpdate a Device Enrollment Instance with the supplied Tokenputdevice-enrollments-devicesRetrieve a list of Devices assigned to the supplied idgetdock-itemsCreate a DockItempostRetrieve a full dockItem objectgetReplace the dockItem at the id with the supplied informationputDelete a DockItem at the specified iddeletedss-declarationsRetrieve a declaration from DSSgetebooksGet Ebook objectgetGet specified Ebook objectgetGet specified scope of Ebook objectgetengageGet Engage settingsgetUpdate Engage settingsputGet Engage settings historygetAdd Engage settings history notespostGet Engage settingsgetUpdate Engage settingsputGet Engage settings historygetAdd Engage settings history notespostenrollmentRetrieve the Account Driven User Enrollment Session Token SettingsgetUpdate Account Driven User Enrollment Session Token Settings.putGet Enrollment object and Re-enrollment settingsgetUpdate Enrollment objectputRetrieve the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated EnrollmentgetAdd the configured LDAP group for User-Initiated Enrollment.postRetrieve the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated EnrollmentgetModify the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated EnrollmentputDelete an LDAP group's access to user initiated EnrollmentdeleteRetrieve the list of languages and corresponding ISO 639-1 Codes but only those not already added to EnrollmentgetGet sorted and paged Enrollment history objectgetAdd Enrollment history object notespostExport enrollment history collectionpostRetrieve the list of languages and corresponding ISO 639-1 CodesgetGet an array of the language codes that have Enrollment messaginggetDelete multiple configured languages from User-Initiated Enrollment settingspostRetrieve the Enrollment messaging for a languagegetEdit Enrollment messaging for a languageputDelete the Enrollment messaging for a languagedeleteGet Enrollment object and Re-enrollment settingsgetUpdate Enrollment objectputRetrieve the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated Enrollment.getAdd the configured LDAP group for User-Initiated Enrollment.postRetrieve the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated EnrollmentgetModify the configured LDAP groups configured for User-Initiated Enrollment. Only exiting Access Groups can be updated.putDelete an LDAP group's access to user initiated Enrollment.deleteRetrieve the list of languages and corresponding ISO 639-1 Codes but only those not already added to EnrollmentgetRetrieve the list of languages and corresponding ISO 639-1 CodesgetGet an array of the language codes that have Enrollment messaginggetDelete multiple configured languages from User-Initiated Enrollment settingspostRetrieve the Enrollment messaging for a languagegetEdit Enrollment messaging for a languageputDelete the Enrollment messaging for a languagedeleteGet Enrollment object and Re-enrollment settingsgetUpdate Enrollment objectputenrollment-customizationRetrieve sorted and paged Enrollment CustomizationsgetCreate an Enrollment CustomizationpostUpload an imagepostRetrieve an Enrollment Customization with the supplied idgetUpdate an Enrollment CustomizationputDelete an Enrollment Customization with the supplied iddeleteGet sorted and paged Enrollment Customization history objectsgetAdd Enrollment Customization history object notespostRetrieve the list of Prestages using this Enrollment CustomizationgetRetrieve sorted and paged Enrollment CustomizationsgetCreate an Enrollment CustomizationpostUpload an imagepostDownload an enrollment customization imagegetRetrieve an Enrollment Customization with the supplied idgetUpdate an Enrollment CustomizationputDelete an Enrollment Customization with the supplied iddeleteGet sorted and paged Enrollment Customization history objectsgetAdd Enrollment Customization history object notespostRetrieve the list of Prestages using this Enrollment Customizationgetenrollment-customization-previewParse the given string as markdown text and return Html outputpostGet all Panels for single Enrollment CustomizationgetGet a single Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationgetDelete a single Panel from an Enrollment CustomizationdeleteCreate an LDAP Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationpostGet a single LDAP panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationgetUpdate a single LDAP Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationputDelete an LDAP single panel from an Enrollment CustomizationdeleteCreate an SSO Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationpostGet a single SSO Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationgetUpdate a single SSO Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationputDelete a single SSO Panel from an Enrollment CustomizationdeleteCreate a Text Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationpostGet a single Text Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationgetUpdate a single Text Panel for a single Enrollment CustomizationputDelete a Text single Panel from an Enrollment CustomizationdeleteGet the markdown output of a single Text Panel for a single EnrollmentgetgroupsReturns group information for all Mobile Device and Computer groupsgetReturns group information for the given platform UUIDgetgsx-connectionFinds the Jamf Pro GSX Connection informationgetUpdates Jamf Pro GSX Connection informationputUpdates Jamf Pro GSX Connection informationpatchGet specified GSX Connection History objectgetAdd specified GSX Connection history object notespostTest functionality of an GSX Connectionposthealth-checkGet Jamf Pro API statusgeticonUpload an iconpostDownload a self service icongetGet an icongetinventory-informationGet statistics about managed/unmanaged devices and computers in the inventorygetinventory-preloadReturn all Inventory Preload recordsgetCreate a new Inventory Preload record using JSON or CSVpostDelete all Inventory Preload recordsdeleteGet the Inventory Preload CSV templategetGet Inventory Preload history entriesgetAdd Inventory Preload history object notespostValidate a given CSV filepostGet an Inventory Preload recordgetUpdate an Inventory Preload recordputDelete an Inventory Preload recorddeleteReturn all Inventory Preload recordsgetCreate a new Inventory Preload record using JSON or CSVpostDelete all Inventory Preload recordsdeleteRetrieve the Inventory Preload CSV templategetGet Inventory Preload history entriesgetAdd Inventory Preload history object notespostValidate a given CSV filepostGet an Inventory Preload recordgetUpdate an Inventory Preload recordputDelete an Inventory Preload recorddeleteDownload all Inventory Preload recordsgetCreate one or more new Inventory Preload records using CSVpostDownload the Inventory Preload CSV templategetValidate a given CSV filepostRetrieve a list of extension attribute columnsgetExport a collection of inventory preload recordspostGet Inventory Preload history entriesgetAdd Inventory Preload history object notespostReturn all Inventory Preload recordsgetCreate a new Inventory Preload record using JSONpostDelete all Inventory Preload recordspostGet an Inventory Preload recordgetUpdate an Inventory Preload recordputDelete an Inventory Preload recorddeletejamf-cloud-distribution-serviceRetrieve a list of files and file metadata from the Jamf Cloud Distribution ServicegetInitiate an upload to the Jamf Cloud Distribution ServicepostRetrieve a download URL for a specific file from the Jamf Cloud Distribution ServicegetDelete a file from the Jamf Cloud Distribution ServicedeleteGets information about JCDS distribution points.getRefreshes the inventory and status of uploads in Jamf Pro. This will update the status of uploads in the Jamf Pro database and allow the uploads to be deployed.postRenew credentials for an upload to the Jamf Cloud Distribution Servicepostjamf-connectGet the Jamf Connect settings that you have access to seegetSearch for config profiles linked to Jamf ConnectgetUpdate the way the Jamf Connect app gets updated on computers within scope of the associated configuration profile.putSearch for deployment tasks for a config profile linked to Jamf ConnectgetRequest a retry of Connect install taskspostGet Jamf Connect historygetAdd Jamf Connect history notespostjamf-management-frameworkRedeploy Jamf Management Frameworkpostjamf-packageGet the packages for a given Jamf applicationgetGet the packages for a given Jamf applicationgetjamf-pro-account-preferencesGet Jamf Pro account preferencesgetUpdate Jamf Pro account preferencespatchjamf-pro-informationGet basic information about the Jamf Pro ServergetGet basic information about the Jamf Pro Servergetjamf-pro-initializationSet up fresh installed Jamf Pro ServerpostProvide Database Password during startuppostjamf-pro-notificationsGet Notifications for user and sitegetDelete Notificationsdeletejamf-pro-server-url-previewGet Jamf Pro Server URL settingsgetUpdate Jamf Pro Server URL settingsputGet Jamf Pro Server URL settings historygetAdd Jamf Pro Server URL settings history notespostjamf-pro-user-account-settingsGet the user preferences for the authenticated user and key.getGet the user setting for the authenticated user and keygetPersist the user settingputRemove specified setting for authenticated userdeletejamf-pro-user-account-settings-previewGet the user setting for the authenticated user and keygetPersist the user settingputRemove specified setting for authenticated userdeletejamf-pro-versionReturn information about the Jamf Pro including the current versiongetjamf-protectJamf Protect integration settingsgetJamf Protect integration settingsputDelete Jamf Protect API registration.deleteSearch for deployment tasks for a config profile linked to Jamf ProtectgetRequest a retry of Protect install taskspostGet Jamf Protect historygetAdd Jamf Protect history notespostGet all of the previously synced Jamf Protect Plans with information about their associated configuration profilegetSync Plans with Jamf ProtectpostRegister a Jamf Protect API configuration with Jamf Propostjamf-remote-assistGets session history items.getGets single session history item.getGets session history items.getExport Jamf Remote Assist sessions historypostGets single session history item.getldapRetrieve the configured access groups that contain the text in the search paramgetRetrieve all Servers including LDAP and Cloud Identity Providers.getRetrieve the configured access groups that contain the text in the search paramgetRetrieve all LDAP Servers.getRetrieve all Servers including LDAP and Cloud Identity Providers.getlocal-admin-passwordGet a list of the current devices and usernames with pending LAPS rotationsgetGet the current LAPS settings.getUpdate settings for LAPS.putGet LAPS password viewed history.getGet LAPS historical records for target device and username.getGet current LAPS password for specified username on a client.getGet LAPS password viewed history.getGet LAPS historical records for target device and user guid.getGet current LAPS password for specified user guid on a client.getGet the LAPS capable admin accounts for a device.getGet LAPS password viewed history, and rotation history.getSet the LAPS password for a device.putlocales-previewReturn locales that can be used in other featuresgetlog-flushingGet log flushing settingsgetGet log flushing tasksgetQueue a log flushing taskpostGet log flushing taskgetCancels a log flushing taskdeletelogin-customizationGet current login disclaimer settingsgetUpdate current login disclaimer settings.putmacos-managed-software-updatesRetrieve available MacOs Managed Software UpdatesgetSend MacOs Managed Software Updatespostmanaged-software-updatesRetrieve available macOS and iOS Managed Software UpdatesgetRetrieve Managed Software Update PlansgetCreate a Managed Software Update PlanpostRetrieve current value of the Feature TogglegetUpdates Feature Toggle ValueputForce stops any ongoing or stalled feature-toggle processespostRetrieves background status of the Feature TogglegetCreate Managed Software Update Plans for a GrouppostRetrieve Managed Software Update Plans for a GroupgetRetrieve a Managed Software Update PlangetRetrieve all Declarations associated with a Managed Software Update PlangetRetrieve a Managed Software Update Plan Event StoregetRetrieve Managed Software Update StatusesgetRetrieve Managed Software Update Statuses for Computer GroupsgetRetrieve Managed Software Update Statuses for ComputersgetRetrieve Managed Software Update Statuses for Mobile Device GroupsgetRetrieve Managed Software Update Statuses for Mobile DevicesgetmdmPost a command for creation and queuingpostDeploy packages using MDMpostGet information about mdm commands made by Jamf Pro.getRenew MDM ProfilepostGet information about mdm commands made by Jamf Pro.getPost a command for creation and queuingpostmobile-device-appsReinstall App Config for Managed iOS Appspostmobile-device-enrollment-profileRetrieve the MDM Enrollment Profilegetmobile-device-extension-attributes-previewGet Mobile Device Extension Attribute values placed in select paramtergetmobile-device-groupsReturn the list of all Mobile Device GroupsgetGet Static Group Membership by IdgetGet Static GroupsgetCreate membership of a static group.postGet Static Group by IdgetRemove Static Group by IddeleteUpdate membership of a static group.patchmobile-device-prestagesSearch for sorted and paged Mobile Device PrestagesgetCreate a Mobile Device PrestagepostGet all Device Scope for all Mobile Device PrestagesgetGet all Prestage sync States for all prestagesgetGet all prestage sync states for a single prestagegetGet the latest Sync State for a single PrestagegetRetrieve a Mobile Device Prestage with the supplied idgetUpdate a Mobile Device PrestageputDelete a Mobile Device Prestage with the supplied iddeleteGet attachments for a Mobile Device PrestagegetAdd an attachment to a Mobile Device PrestagepostRemove an attachment for a Mobile Device PrestagedeleteGet sorted and paged Mobile Device Prestage history objectsgetAdd Mobile Device Prestage history object notespostGet Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagegetReplace Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestageputAdd Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagepostRemove Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagedeleteGet sorted and paged Mobile Device PrestagesgetCreate a Mobile Device PrestagepostGet all Device Scope for all Mobile Device PrestagesgetGet all Prestage sync States for all prestagesgetRetrieve a Mobile Device Prestage with the supplied idgetUpdate a Mobile Device PrestageputDelete a Mobile Device Prestage with the supplied iddeleteGet attachments for a Mobile Device PrestagegetAdd an attachment to a Mobile Device PrestagepostRemove an attachment for a Mobile Device PrestagepostGet sorted and paged Mobile Device Prestage history objectsgetAdd Mobile Device Prestage history object notespostGet Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagegetReplace Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestageputAdd Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagepostRemove Device Scope for a specific Mobile Device PrestagepostGet all prestage sync states for a single prestagegetGet the latest Sync State for a single Prestagegetmobile-devicesGet Mobile Device objectsgetReturn paginated Mobile Device Inventory recordsgetGet Mobile DevicegetUpdate fields on a mobile device that are allowed to be modified by userspatchGet Mobile DevicegetErase a Mobile DevicepostReturn paginated Mobile Device Inventory records of all paired devices for the devicegetUnmanage a Mobile DevicepostoidcProvide the url to redirect for OIDC loginpostGenerate a new keystore used for signing OIDC messagespostGet the public key of the keystore used for signing OIDC messages as a JWTgetonboardingGet the current onboarding settings configuration.getUpdate the onboarding configuration.putRetrieves a list of applications that are eligible to be used in an onboarding configurationgetRetrieves a list of configuration profiles that are eligible to be used in an onboarding configurationgetRetrieves a list of policies that are eligible to be used in an onboarding configurationgetGet Onboarding history objectgetAdd Onboarding history object notespostExport history object collection in specified format for OnboardingpostpackagesRetrieve PackagesgetCreate packagepostDelete multiple packages at oncepostExport Packages collectionpostGet specified Package objectgetUpdate specified package objectputRemove specified packagedeleteGet specified Package History objectgetAdd specified Package history object notespostExport history object collection in specified format for specified PackagespostAdd a manifest to a packagepostDelete the manifest for a specified packagedeleteUpload packagepostparent-app-previewGet the current Jamf Parent app settingsgetUpdate Jamf Parent app settingsputGet Jamf Parent app settings historygetAdd Jamf Parent app settings history notespostpatch-managementAccept Patch Management disclaimerpostpatch-policiesRetrieve Patch PoliciesgetRetrieve Patch PoliciesgetReturn whether or not the requested patch policy is on the dashboardgetAdd a patch policy to the dashboardpostRemove a patch policy from the dashboarddeletepatch-policy-logsRetrieve Patch Policy LogsgetReturn the count of the Patch Policy Logs for the patch policy id that are eligible for a retry attemptgetSend retry attempts for specific devicespostSend retry attempts for all devicespostRetrieves a single Patch Policy LoggetReturn attempt details for a specific loggetpatch-software-title-configurationsRetrieve Patch Software Title ConfigurationsgetCreate Patch Software Title ConfigurationspostRetrieve Patch Software Title Configurations with the supplied idgetDelete Patch Software Title Configurations with the supplied iddeleteUpdate Patch Software Title ConfigurationspatchReturn whether or not the requested software title configuration is on the dashboardgetAdd a software title configuration to the dashboardpostRemove a software title configuration from the dashboarddeleteRetrieve Patch Software Title Definitions with the supplied idgetRetrieve list of Patch Software Title Configuration DependenciesgetExport Patch Reporting DatagetRetrieve Software Title Extension Attributes with the supplied idgetGet specified Patch Software Title Configuration history objectgetAdd Patch Software Title Configuration history object notespostRetrieve Patch Software Title Configuration Patch ReportgetReturn Active Patch SummarygetReturns patch versionsgetpolicies-previewGet Policy Properties objectgetUpdate Policy Properties objectputGet Policy Properties objectgetUpdate Policy Properties objectputre-enrollment-previewGet Re-enrollment objectgetUpdate the Re-enrollment objectputGet Re-enrollment history objectgetAdd specified Re-enrollment history object notespostExport reenrollment history collectionpostremote-administrationGet information about all remote administration configurations.getreturn-to-serviceGet all Return to Service ConfigurationsgetCreate a Return to Service ConfigurationpostRetrieve a Return to Service Configuration with the supplied idgetUpdate a Return to Service ConfigurationputDelete a Return To Service Configuration with the supplied iddeleteschedulerRetrieve all Jamf Pro Scheduler jobsgetRetrieve all triggers for a Jamf Pro Scheduler jobgetRetrieve a summary of the Jamf Pro SchedulergetscriptsSearch for sorted and paged ScriptsgetCreate a ScriptpostRetrieve a full script objectgetReplace the script at the id with the supplied informationputDelete a Script at the specified iddeleteDownload a text file of the Script contentsgetGet specified Script history objectgetAdd specified Script history object notespostself-serviceGet an object representation of Self Service settingsgetPut an object representation of Self Service settingsputself-service-branding-iosSearch for sorted and paged iOS branding configurationsgetCreate a Self Service iOS branding configuration with the suppliedpostRead a single Self Service iOS branding configuration indicated by the provided idgetUpdate a Self Service iOS branding configuration with the supplied detailsputDelete the Self Service iOS branding configuration indicated by the provided iddeleteself-service-branding-macosSearch for sorted and paged macOS branding configurationsgetCreate a Self Service macOS branding configuration with the suppliedpostRead a single Self Service macOS branding configuration indicated by the provided idgetUpdate a Self Service macOS branding configuration with the supplied detailsputDelete the Self Service macOS branding configuration indicated by the provided iddeleteself-service-branding-previewUpload an imagepostsitesFind all sitesgetFind and filter site objects for a site IDgetsites-previewFind all sitesgetslasaGet the status of SLASAgetAccept the SLASApostsmart-computer-groups-previewRecalculate a smart group for the given idpostRecalculate the smart group for the given idpostsmart-mobile-device-groups-previewRecalculate all smart groups for the given device id and then return count of smart groups that device fall intopostRecalculate a smart group for the given id then return the ids for the devices in the smart grouppostsmart-user-groups-previewRecalculate the smart group for the given id and then return the ids for the users in the smart grouppostRecalculate a smart group for the given user id and then return the count of smart groups the user falls intopostsmtp-serverFinds the Jamf Pro SMTP Server informationgetUpdates Jamf Pro SMTP Server informationputGet specified SMTP Server history objectgetAdd SMTP Server history object notespostTest functionality of an SMTP ServerpostFinds the Jamf Pro SMTP Server informationgetUpdates Jamf Pro SMTP Server informationputsso-certificateRetrieve the certificate currently configured for use with SSOgetUpdate the certificate used by Jamf Pro to sign SSO requests to the identify providerputJamf Pro will generate a new certificate and use it to sign SSOpostDelete the currently configured certificate used by SSOdeleteDownload the certificate currently configured for use with Jamf Pro's SSO configurationgetParse the certificate to get details about certificate type and keys needed to upload certificate filepostsso-failoverRetrieve the current failover settingsgetRegenerates failover urlpostsso-oauth-session-tokensRetrieve the access token and user information for the current session.getsso-settingsRetrieve the current Single Sign On configuration settingsgetUpdates the current Single Sign On configuration settingsputRetrieve the list of Enrollment Customizations using SSOgetDisable SSOpostGet SSO history objectgetAdd SSO history object notespostDownload the Jamf Pro SAML metadata filegetEndpoint for validation of a saml metadata urlpostRetrieve the current Single Sign On configuration settingsgetUpdates the current Single Sign On configuration settingsputRetrieve the list of Enrollment Customizations using SSOgetDisable SSOpostGet SSO history objectgetAdd SSO history object notespostDownload the Jamf Pro SAML metadata filegetstartup-statusRetrieve information about application startupgetstatic-user-groups-previewReturn a list of all Static User GroupsgetReturn a specific Static User Group by idgetsupervision-identities-previewSearch for sorted and paged Supervision IdentitiesgetCreate a Supervision Identity for the supplied informationpostUpload the Supervision Identity .p12 filepostRetrieve a Supervision Identity with the supplied idgetUpdate a Supervision Identity with the supplied informationputDelete a Supervision Identity with the supplied iddeleteDownload the Supervision Identity .p12 filegetteacher-appGet the Jamf Teacher settings that you have access to seegetUpdate a Jamf Teacher settings objectputGet Jamf Teacher app settings historygetAdd Jamf Teacher app settings history notespostteam-viewer-remote-administrationCreate Team Viewer Remote Administration connection configurationpostGet a paginated list of sessionsgetCreate a new sessionpostGet a session by its IDgetClose a sessionpostResend nofications for a sessionpostGet a session status by its IDgetGet Team Viewer Remote Administration connection configurationgetDelete Team Viewer Remote Administration connection configurationdeleteUpdate Team Viewer Remote Administration connection configurationpatchGet Team Viewer Remote Administration connection statusgettime-zones-previewReturn information about the currently supported Time Zonesgettomcat-settings-previewGenerate a SSL Certificate using Jamf Certificate AuthoritypostuserChanges the user account password.postuser-session-previewReturn all Jamf Pro user acountsgetUpdate values in the User's current sessionpostvenafi-previewCreate a PKI configuration in Jamf Pro for VenafipostRetrieve a Venafi PKI configuration from Jamf ProgetDelete a Venafi PKI configuration from Jamf ProdeleteUpdate a Venafi PKI configuration in Jamf PropatchTests the communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy ServergetGet configuration profile data using specified Venafi CA objectgetGet specified Venafi CA history objectgetAdd specified Venafi CA Object NotepostDownloads a certificate used to secure communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy ServergetRegenerates a certificate used to secure communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy ServerpostDownloads the PKI Proxy Server public key to secure communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy ServergetUploads the PKI Proxy Server public key to secure communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy ServerpostRemoves the PKI Proxy Server public key used to secure communication between Jamf Pro and a Jamf Pro PKI Proxy Serverdeletevolume-purchasing-locationsRetrieve Volume Purchasing LocationsgetCreate a Volume Purchasing LocationpostRetrieve a Volume Purchasing Location with the supplied idgetDelete a Volume Purchasing Location with the supplied iddeleteUpdate a Volume Purchasing LocationpatchRetrieve the Volume Purchasing Content for the Volume Purchasing Location with the supplied idgetGet specified Volume Purchasing Location history objectgetAdd specified Volume Purchasing Location history object notespostReclaim a Volume Purchasing Location with the supplied idpostRevoke licenses for a Volume Purchasing Location with the supplied idpostvolume-purchasing-subscriptionsRetrieve Volume Purchasing SubscriptionsgetCreate a Volume Purchasing SubscriptionpostRetrieve a Volume Purchasing Subscription with the supplied idgetUpdate a Volume Purchasing SubscriptionputDelete a Volume Purchasing Subscription with the supplied iddeleteGet specified Volume Purchasing Subscription history objectgetAdd Volume Purchasing Subscription history object notespostTitle EditorauthGet token claimspostRefresh tokenpostSend tokenpostCreate tokenpostcapabilitiesUpdate capabilityputDelete capabilitydeletecodesigningGet certificate infogetUpdate certificateputDelete certificatedeletecomponentsGet componentgetUpdate componentputDelete componentdeleteCreate criteriapostGet autofill criteriagetGet navigationgetcriteriaUpdate criteriaputDelete criteriadeleteextensionattributesGet extension attributegetUpdate extension attributeputDelete extension attributedeleteGet navigationgetexternaltitlesGet available titlesgetRefresh subscribed titlespostGet subscribed titlegetGet definitiongetGet overridegetSet overrideputDelete overridedeleteGet kill appsgetCreate kill apppostGet autofill kill appsgetkillappsGet kill appgetUpdate kill appputDelete kill appdeleteGet navigationgetoverridesGet override kill appgetUpdate override kill appputDelete override kill appdeleteGet navigationgetpatchesGet patchgetUpdate patchputDelete patchdeleteCreate capabilitypostGet autofill capabilitiesgetCreate componentpostGet autofill componentsgetCreate kill apppostGet autofill kill appsgetGet navigationgetClone patchpostpreferencesGet preferencegetSet preferenceputDelete preferencedeleteprivilegesDelete privilegedeleterequirementsUpdate requirementputDelete requirementdeletesmtpserverGet smtp servergetUpdate smtp serverputTest smtp serverpostDelete smtp serverdeletesoftwaretitlesGet software titlesgetCreate software titlepostGet software titlegetUpdate software titleputDelete software titledeleteCreate extension attributepostCreate patchpostGet autofill patchesgetCreate requirementpostGet autofill requirementsgetsourcesGet sourcesgetCreate sourcepostGet sourcegetUpdate sourceputDelete sourcedeleteusersGet usersgetCreate userpostGet usergetUpdate userputDelete userdeleteGet privilegesgetCreate privilegepostvaluelistsGet authentication schemesgetGet criteria namesgetGet criteria operatorspostGet criteria typesgetGet preference keysgetGet preference typesgetGet privilege scopesgetGet smtp encryption typesgetFinds all OS X configuration profilesget https://yourServer.jamfcloud.com/JSSResource/osxconfigurationprofiles