The chart below includes additional requirements for usage of specific commands
command | Parameters | Requirements | Values |
DeviceLocation | N/A | Supervised and in lost mode | N/A |
DisableLostMode | N/A | Supervised and in lost mode | N/A |
EnableLostMode | lost_mode_message | Supervised device (required if lost_mode_phone is not set) | string |
EnableLostMode | lost_mode_phone | Supervised device (required if lost_mode_message is not set) | string |
EnableLostMode | lost_mode_footnote | optional | string |
EnableLostMode | always_enforce_lost_mode | optional (defaults to 'true') | boolean |
EnableLostMode | lost_mode_with_sound | optional (defaults to 'false') | boolean |
EraseDevice (deprecated on 2023-06-21) | preserve_data_plan | optional (defaults to 'false') | boolean |
EraseDevice (deprecated on 2023-06-21) | disallow_proximity_setup | optional (defaults to 'false') | boolean |
PasscodeLockGracePeriod | passcode_lock_grace_period | Shared iPad | seconds (integer) |
PlayLostModeSound | N/A | Supervised and in lost mode | N/A |
RestartDevice | N/A | Supervised device | N/A |
SettingsDisableBluetooth (deprecated on 2024-04-24) | N/A | iOS 11.3+ and Supervised | N/A |
SettingsEnableBluetooth (deprecated on 2024-04-24) | N/A | iOS 11.3+ and Supervised | N/A |
Below is a complete list of the supported values for the command
- BlankPush
- ClearPasscode
- ClearRestrictionsPassword (deprecated)
- DeviceLocation
- DisableLostMode
- EnableLostMode
- EraseDevice (deprecated)
- PasscodeLockGracePeriod
- PlayLostModeSound
- RestartDevice
- SettingsDisableDataRoaming (deprecated)
- SettingsDisableVoiceRoaming (deprecated)
- SettingsEnableDataRoaming (deprecated)
- SettingsEnableVoiceRoaming (deprecated)
- UnmanageDevice
- UpdateInventory