Creating your Marketplace Listing

Tips for an Effective Listing
Tell a story
Your audience isn’t coming from within the solution, so it’s important to help them understand, in a step by step manner, why this solution exists, who it is built for, how it works, and where to get started. When telling your story, create a short opening paragraph that helps the reader to gain a basic understanding of the need being addressed by your solution.
Start with the “Why”
Like most compelling arguments, people are generally won over by understanding why something exists. Explain what problems the solution solves, and why those problems are commonplace.
How does it work?
The Jamf Marketplace engages a fairly technical audience, so really get into the nitty gritty, glorious details of how your solution works, and what makes it unique! People like to see important differentiators clearly communicated, so make sure you call out all your key features.
Who does this solution benefit most?
Help the reader understand who this solution was built for. Even going as far as describing roles or responsibilities at an organization that benefit from your solution speaks directly to those benefactors, allowing your product’s value to really resonate.
Remember to include Privacy Policy and Copyright Policy links if you have them. These are important considerations for many organizations when they look to add integrations
Fit & finish matter!
There are a number of ways you can help people understand your integration on a deeper level. Include formatting in your listing text or call out key features with bulleted lists. Include multiple screenshots to visually demonstrate how the solution works or show what it looks like for those people that are visual learners!
Help them get started
When people see something they like, they want to get started right away. Include a clear next step for readers that will get them started on their journey to trying out your solution.
Keep these tips in mind and you will be sure to have an excellent Jamf Marketplace listing. And, of course, as your solution iterates in functionality over time, make sure to come back and go through these criteria again with any relevant updates!
Understanding your Marketplace Listing

The Technology Partner team can help you every step of the way, contact the team at [email protected].
Updated about 1 year ago