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Postman Collection

Learn how to configure and use Postman for interacting with the Title Editor API


This article describes how to import the Title Editor Postman collection and configure Postman to interact with your Title Editor environment. Get a copy of the collection from the link below:
Run in Postman

Environment Variables

This collection uses a pre-request script to automate the bearer token authorization, automatically requesting new tokens as needed. The pre-request script requires that the following variables be defined within an environment (variables defined at the collection level will not apply).

Variable NameDescription
usernameUsername of the account used to interact with the API
passwordPassword of the account used to interact with the API
baseUrlFull URL of the Title Editor environment, including the API base path (e.g. https://instance.appcatalog.jamfcloud.com/v2)

More information about creating and configuring environments within Postman can be found here.