Using this API Reference
Use the resources below to familiarize yourself with the layout and functionality of this API Reference. Some functionality may differ from previous versions of the Jamf Developer portal. Before reviewing the API docs, check out the Classic API Overview for general information about the API.
Endpoint Discovery
All endpoints within the Classic API are grouped based on the resource being interacted with or the action being performed to a resource. Within the left pane, you will find a list of all available endpoints collapsed into the general feature group. A very brief description of the endpoints and the HTTP operation used to interact with that endpoint can be found when selecting a feature group from the left column.

List of endpoints and operations available to this feature group.
Endpoint Details
After selecting a feature group, the center column will auto-generate descriptions, endpoint paths, supported parameters and sample request bodies for use with those endpoints. For consumers who may not be familiar with Jamf Pro features and functionality, you will also find links to documentation describing the non-API related functionality of the feature.

Sample description of a feature group.
In addition to descriptions, you'll find sample request bodies supplied for endpoints that utilize the PUT or POST operation. These should be used outside of the developer portal, using your preferred tool for interacting with APIs. Note, these are provided purely as samples and values should be modified to suit the needs of your application.

Sample request body.
In addition to the resources on this site, Jamf provides a Postman collection for interacting with the Classic API. More information about Postman and how to use the Postman collection can be found here