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11.9.0 Changes

GET /v1/computers-inventory
Removed support for the managementUsername field and general.remoteManagement.managementUsername filter value.

GET /v1/computers-inventory-detail/{id}
Removed support for the managementUsername field and general.remoteManagement.managementUsername filter value.

PATCH /v1/computers-inventory-detail/{id}
Removed support for the managementUsername field and general.remoteManagement.managementUsername filter value.

GET /v1/computers-inventory/{id}
Removed support for the managementUsername field and general.remoteManagement.managementUsername filter value.

GET /v3/computer-prestages
Added support for minimum OS target version

POST /v3/computer-prestages
Added support for minimum OS target version

GET /v3/computer-prestages/{id}
Added support for minimum OS target version

PUT /v3/computer-prestages/{id}
Added support for minimum OS target version

POST /preview/mdm/commands
Added support for APPLY_REDEMPTION_CODE command

GET /v2/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field

PUT /v2/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field

GET /v3/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field

PUT /v3/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field

GET /v4/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field
Added the flushSoftwareUpdatePlans field.

PUT /v4/enrollment
Fixed a typo in the description of the md5Sum field
Added the flushSoftwareUpdatePlans field.

GET /v1/managed-software-updates/plans
Added prestageMinimumOsTargetVersionType and minimumOsSpecificVersion fields

GET /v1/managed-software-updates/plans/group/{id}
Added prestageMinimumOsTargetVersionType and minimumOsSpecificVersion fields

GET /v1/managed-software-updates/plans/{id}
Added prestageMinimumOsTargetVersionType and minimumOsSpecificVersion fields

GET /v1/mdm/commands
Added support for APPLY_REDEMPTION_CODE command

GET /v2/mdm/commands
Added support for APPLY_REDEMPTION_CODE command

POST /v2/mdm/commands
Added support for APPLY_REDEMPTION_CODE command

GET /v2/mobile-device-prestages
Added support for minimum OS target version

POST /v2/mobile-device-prestages
Added support for minimum OS target version

GET /v2/mobile-device-prestages/{id}
Added support for minimum OS target version

PUT /v2/mobile-device-prestages/{id}
Added support for minimum OS target version

GET /v1/reenrollment
Added the isFlushSoftwareUpdatePlansEnabled field

PUT /v1/reenrollment
Added the isFlushSoftwareUpdatePlansEnabled field

GET /v1/self-service/settings
Added the useFido2 field

PUT /v1/self-service/settings
Added the useFido2 field

GET /v2/smtp-server
Added support for Google Mail as an authentication type

PUT /v2/smtp-server
Added support for Google Mail as an authentication type
Added oauth-state query parameter
Added GOOGLE_MAIL and GRAPH_API enum values to the clientId field